Primal(ish) Feast – Figs, Goat Cheese Quiche, Chocolate Bacon

November 10, 2010

It is a Friday of a Wednesday here due to Veteran’s Day (though I’ll be in the lab tomorrow anyway, oh well) so we went a little overboard with dinner.

First, we had simple yet decadent Hors d’oeuvres: Fig halves with goat cheese. Wonderfully delicious and super easy to make.

Catch the Entree and Dessert after the jump.

The main course was a delicious goat cheese quiche. Changes to the recipe: bacon for chicken, coconut milk for cream. I couldn’t stop eating until it was gone, so I recommend making a small portion.

For dessert, we had what must be my favorite primal dessert yet (though I’m not sure it is fair to call it primal). I made chocolate-dipped bacon with 85% dark chocolate. Wow are they good. Definitely the most I’ve ever enjoyed cold bacon.

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