Brief Summer Update

July 22, 2011

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I haven’t posted in quite a while. It turns out that a full-time job takes up a lot of, well, time. Normally, I’d promise to post more in the near future, but I can’t commit to that right now. I can promise that I’ll be back to more regular posts in mid-September. Think of it as a nice summer break from reading my silly thoughts.

I have a post queued up to publish this afternoon, and I don’t want my explanation for lack of content forever embedded within that post.

Brief update on what I’ve been doing this summer:

  • Still supplement free, though I’m planning on throwing in some fermented cod-liver oil starting this weekend.
  • Mobility. A friend of mine turned me on to foam rolling, then my dad pointed me to Kelly Starrett’s fabulous blog, and I’ve been mobilizing like crazy.
  • As far as I can tell, I’ve totally cured my headaches. The culprit? A trigger point, or muscle knot, in my trapezius between my right shoulder blade and spine. A few sessions with a lacrosse ball and said knot (and apparently the headaches) is history. I’m glad I didn’t shell out $3000+ for MRIs prescribed by the neurologist.
  • Learning everything I can about food reward and its implications for body fat management. It’s endlessly entertaining and I’ve yet to find real limitations to this explanation for body fat regulation.
  • Eating relatively high-carb (100-150 g/day probably), and lots more fruit than before.
  • HIIT 2x per week.
  • Hockey 1-2x per week.
  • Playful strength work/sprints/mountain biking every day I’m not doing more.
  • No logging my body weight, no tracking my intake.
  • I had been planning to IF on a more random schedule, but that quickly became skipping breakfast every weekday (and most Saturdays). Less breakfast = more sleep.
  • I haven’t lost much muscle, which I find surprising given that I left a schedule of weights and rest for less strength work and more activity.
  • I did my first muscle up and touched my toes while standing for the first time in 10 years. Kind of embarrassing that I hit 400# deadlifts and near 500# squats without these basic abilities.
  • I’ve found I need much more salt to stay hydrated. I’m guessing that is a result of increased activity and the warmer summer weather.

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