Quick List and Update
February 16, 2012
You may have noticed that I haven’t been around much. I got a great new job at a start-up – I love it but the loooong hours are not conducive to frequent posting. No promise of that changing any time soon. Sorry.
However, I will drop in with interesting tidbits from time to time. I’ve received a few emails recently asking me some variation of “which is worse?”, so here’s a list.
The standard, proven offenders, in order of most malicious to least. Keep in mind, I don’t recommend anyone eat any of this crap. And different people will put these in a different order – and they certainly can be in a different order if you have some sort of medical condition.
- Wheat (and other gluten containing grains)
- Processed Food (and all its consistent hyperpalatability)
- Soy
- Vegetable Oil
- Table Sugar and High-Fructose Corn Syrup
- Natural Food Toxins (i.e. n6 and physic acid in nuts)
So, of course, this is all dose-dependent. Except Wheat, which is why it’s number one. Wheat is bad in any dose. But beyond that, a costco tub of jelly beans is gonna mess you up more than a shot of soy milk, for example.
And the kicker with Number 2 above is that Processed Foods almost always include ALL of the nasty beasts on the list. So, yea, don’t eat processed food. It makes you fat and sick.
Read MasculON Fitness Course Review from Health Reviews blog.
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