Posts filed under ‘Manic Monday’
Manic Monday: Egg Whites
Today’s post will be a bit of a doozy, so I’ll do my best to keep it short. In fact, I’ll pretty much outsource the majority of the post.
Here’s what we’ll be discussing today:
- Egg Yolks offer a superb nutritional profile.
- Cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease.
- If you’re going to ditch half of your hard-earned eggs, make it the white part.
Simon says…Jump!
1 comment April 18, 2011
Manic Monday: The Diabetic Climber
Manic Monday is a feature I hope to run every Monday(ish) – provided folks out there in the “mainstream” keep supplying the fodder.
I’ve had this story on reserve for a while now, but it is no less relevant than it was a few months ago. In fact, just a few days ago Jimmy Moore of “Livin la Vida Low Carb” had a guest addressing the same issue.
In early February, I decided to finally go bouldering at the local climbing co-op (covered here). “Finally” because I had been meaning to go since July (it’s just now occurring to me how representative this post is of my procrastination).
The co-op was a very welcoming place to a new climber, and a friend of mine had lined up a climber he knew to play “tour guide” for me – a favor I sorely needed. That tour guide was The Diabetic Climber (TDC). As you may have guessed, TDC is diabetic.
Read on for the rest of the story and some diabetes stats. (more…)
April 11, 2011
Manic Monday: Chronic Cardio
Manic Monday is a feature I hope to run every Monday(ish) – provided folks out there in the “mainstream” keep supplying the fodder.
I had another “Manic Monday” post all cued up and ready to go (The Diabetic Climber), but that can wait until next week. As I was leaving class this evening, I got into a discussion about the merits of “cardio” (mostly me whining about how silly I think it is). This is a topic that has come up quite a bit lately, so without further ado, we’re off and running. (I warned you about the puns.)
It’s supposed to be a heart made of running shoes. Clever, right? I’m no Spaniard, but I think it means “Run With Heart”. Read on.
February 28, 2011
What’s Being Said