New Drag and Carry Belt

January 25, 2011

A little while back, I posted about an awesome sprint workout using just an old belt, a rope, and my sandbags. Well, the belt broke. I had a couple of ideas for better designs, then I pulled out my collection of defunct belts to find a perfect candidate at the ready.

New belt and video of some alternate uses on the other side.

As you can see, this belt (a complimentary gift with a pair of shorts almost a decade ago) has four lengths of burlap string sewn on one side. I simply pulled the thread on a section and hooked on a carabiner (swag from a school event). Total cost of new drag and carry belt: $0.

I got out this morning and got in sets of chins and dips weighted with 50 lbs. See the new video. I didn’t catch the first set of dips on tape, so I had to eek out a second set for the camera’s benefit. Hence the shaking.

*Update* I’m now up to 5 reps in the first set for chins and 10 reps in the first set for dips with 65lb!


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